Legal information

1. General provisions

This website is available at (hereinafter the «Site»).

The owner and developer of the Website: Limited liability Company «HÉRÈS LEGAL» (hereinafter «HÉRÈS»), OGRN 1147746328333, INN 7709950333, address: Russia, 115054, Moscow, B. Strochenovsky lane, 7, floor 5, premise XII, room 1.

Tel. +7 495 989 41 43


The Site’s editorial director is Limited Liability Company «HÉRÈS LEGAL» represented by the General Director, Elena Kazakova.

Hosting provider: Limited Liability Company «Beget», OGRN 1077847645590, INN 7801451618, License Roskomnadzor No. 171835.

Legal address: 195112, St. Petersburg, Karl Faberge Square, 8B, office 726A

Actual address: 195112, St. Petersburg, Karl Faberge Square, 8B, office 723

Postal address: 195027, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, a/z 209

Tel. +7 495 721-80-88 (Moscow)

+7 800 700-06-08 (Russia)

Hereafter, «User» means any person who visits one and/or several pages of the Site to get acquainted with information posted in the public domain and/or in order to benefit from any service provided by HÉRÈS through the Site.

By accessing the Site and/or using the information posted on it, you acknowledge that you have read, understand and accept the provisions of the Terms and Conditions of Use, as well as this Legal Information, Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy (hereinafter collectively the «Policy») without any reservations or changes and you agree to fulfill the obligations established by them.

The information contained on the Site is general information and information. Nothing on the Site can be understood as the establishment of agency relations, partnership relations, joint activity relations, personal employment relations, or any other relations between the User and the owner and/or the administrator of the Site, not expressly provided for in these Terms.

2. Amendments to Site and Policies

HÉRÈS reserves the right, acting solely at its sole discretion, to change the information provided on the Site at any time, including Policies, by posting these changes on the Site. The changes take effect immediately after they are posted on the Site.

Continued use of the Site by the User after making changes and/or additions to the policies governing the use of the Site means acceptance and consent of the User with them, taking into account these changes and additions.

The recognition by a court and/or other authorized body of any provision of the Policies as invalid or not subject to enforcement does not entail the invalidity of their other provisions, which, in turn, retain their legal force.

3. Use of Cookies

The use of Cookies on the Site is governed by the Cookie Policy. We ask you to familiarize yourself with its provisions.

4. Processing of personal data of Users

HÉRÈS considers it a priority to ensure the security of Users’ personal data. HÉRÈS processes Users’ personal data in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Privacy Policy, the provisions of which we ask you to read in order to obtain complete information about the rules in force in HÉRÈS regarding the processing and confidentiality of personal data.

5. Personal data of HÉRÈS lawyers and advocates

The collection and processing of personal data of HÉRÈS lawyers and lawyers available on the Site cannot be carried out without the prior written consent of the relevant personal data subject. The collection and any other processing of such data is prohibited, including for sending advertising messages or any other kind of messages other than those related to the activities of HÉRÈS.

6. HÉRÈS Intellectual Property

HÉRÈS grants the Users of the Site, free of charge, a limited revocable and non-exclusive license to access the Site and use it for personal purposes. The use of the Site for other purposes is prohibited.

The general structure and type of the Site, as well as all its elements, all information and information content presented on the Site, including, but not limited to, trademarks, logos, service marks, domain name, properties, functions, text formulations, graphic, animation components, photographs, images, video, sound design, collections the data, software, as well as their combination and design (hereinafter collectively the «Content»), are the exclusive property of HÉRÈS  and are protected by the norms of Russian and international legislation, including legislation, regulating the protection of intellectual property, in particular, copyrights and trademarks.

Except as expressly stated in the Policies, as well as provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, no Content element may be fully and/or partially copied (reproduced), processed, distributed, displayed, published, downloaded, transferred, sold or otherwise used without the express prior written consent of HÉRÈS.

The trademarks and corporate identity of HÉRÈS are prohibited from being used in any way for any purpose without the express written consent of HÉRÈS. document title or link, author’s name, date and publication number.

The use of any Content element and/or its full or partial reproduction without the express prior written consent of HÉRÈS automatically terminates the User’s limited license to access and use the Site, and also entails the right of HÉRÈS to demand the termination of the relevant actions and apply all available means of civil protection of its rights.

The Site may contain links to third-party websites. When clicking on these links, the User leaves this Site. Although HÉRÈS selects information resources of third parties, links to which may be provided on the Site, HÉRÈS is not responsible for the content, advertising materials, products and services posted on such resources or accessible from any such resources.

7. Responsibility

HÉRÈS verifies the accuracy of the information posted on the Site. However, HÉRÈS does not provide any guarantees, express or implied, regarding the content of the Site and is not responsible for any damage directly or indirectly related to the use of the Site, problems in operation, computer security and/or the presence of viruses.

The User is solely responsible for the use of the Site and any information contained on it. The user himself must take all necessary measures to protect the data, files or programs stored in his system from infection by viruses or attempts to enter his system.

HÉRÈS is not responsible for damages resulting from the use of the Site, for the content and/or use of messages sent or received by the User through this Site.

Neither HÉRÈS nor other persons involved in the creation, maintenance or provision of this Site are responsible and are not responsible for damage that may result from access to the Site or use of the Site and/or Content, including lack of access, loss of user data, damage, destruction or viruses that may infect computer equipment. the User’s equipment and/or the presence of viruses on his Site.

The information provided on the Site is of a general nature and cannot be considered as a consultation or a service of HÉRÈS. In particular, this information should not be used as a solution to a specific situation without consulting a lawyer. The information is published on the Website for informational purposes only. The Site is not intended to be used for the purpose of collecting information.

HÉRÈS undertakes to make every effort to ensure that users have constant access to the Site. However, HÉRÈS is not responsible in case of lack of access for any reason (maintenance, updating, technical problems, violation of Site security, incompatibility with the software or the User’s computer, etc.). HÉRÈS reserves the right at any time unilaterally and without prior notice to make changes to the Content, restrict access to the Site or to individual Content elements.

Hyperlinks to external resources presented on the Site may be deleted if they contradict the norms of ethics of the HÉRÈS and the legal profession.

8. Applicable law

The law applicable to the Site and the Policies is Russian law.

9. Dispute Resolution

In the event of a dispute regarding the use of the Site or the provisions governing such use of the Policies, the User may initiate mediation, mediation or any other out-of-court method of dispute resolution.

No obviously unfounded or offensive complaint can be transmitted to the mediator. It is forbidden to contact a mediator if there is already a trial in court or there was an appeal to another mediator earlier. If the dispute is not settled out of court, it may be referred to the court. Before submitting a dispute to the court, it is subject to mandatory consideration in a pre-trial procedure by sending a claim by the User of HÉRÈS. If there is no response within 30 (thirty) calendar days after receiving the claim, the User has the right to apply to the court for protection of his rights. In case of consideration in court, the dispute is subject to consideration in the Russian court at the place of regist


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